As NOBLE, our environmental goal is to continuously improve our environmental performance by controlling and reducing the environmental impacts of our activities in order to protect our environment and ensure its continuity in this regard, and to leave a livable clean environment for future generations by ensuring activities in order to protect our environment and ensure its continuity in this regard, and to leave a livable clean environment for future generations by ensuring that this awareness becomes permanent in our production activities.
Within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), we, as NOBLE, aim to turn our vision of "zero accidents at work" and zero occupational diseases into reality. Taking into account sectoral requirements, the OHS function is governed within the framework of the OHS Law, together with the current OHS policies, regulations and procedures.
Within the framework of the Law, we carry out activities such as emergency action plans, risk assessment reports, trainings, employment / periodic health checks, examination and health screenings for special duties, hygiene checks, environmental measurements, periodic checks of machinery used in production and monitoring of subcontractors.
The supervision and control of OHS activities are carried out by the OHS Board, which is formed depending on the number of employees of our company, and the data obtained as a result thereof are periodically reported to company’s management bodies by the OHS Board Secretary. The main goal of our company is to establish the integrity of Environment and OHS within the framework of legal obligations. Our company's activities within the scope of Environment and OHS are carried out by the Environment and OHS Department.
NOBLE is aware of the environmental, economic and social effects of aluminium gravity die casting activities, and the sustainability factor has a decisive role in the decision making process. The company tries to create sustainable conditions for the future, applying modern and innovative methods in order to keep the momentum of progress in the sector at a constant level.
Another mission of the company is to combat the issues that threaten the world without sacrificing quality. The basis of the company's sustainability understanding is based on ensuring the efficiency of energy, acting on a sustainable basis, and focusing on social benefit.
Adopting an innovative approach at the point of ensuring the recovery of the energy consumed during the production phase of the parts, NOBLE Casting takes advantage of all kinds of opportunities provided by technology to the fullest exte